Statistics from 2002 - 2004
This article has not been up-dated with new statistics.
Submission of new statistics are welcome and will be added and acknowledged.
Below data is by now a bit out-dated, but the trend has continued .. more and more people understand the benefit of a healthy lifestyle and seeking Naturopathic or general Complementary Medicine help.
(stats from around 2002 to 2003 )
In the next ten years baby boomers alone will increase their spending on existing health wellness based services about 5 times over.
This is the industry of the future
It is an industry being created by peoples growing demand for more effective health products and solutions.
Courier Mail (5th May, 03)
According to Analysts the Complementary Health Industry is worth
$1.2 - $2 billion per annum
Australians are becoming the most habitual and avid users of alternative medicine in the World
Over 60% of Australians have used alternative medicine treatments
or products
52% of Australian households use some form or alternative medicines, products or services regularly
Adelaide University (MX, Sept '02)
Found in a study conducted in July and August of 2002 that the annual bill of the Australian Alternative Medicines and Therapies Industry could easily grow to be $2.3 Billion in the coming years
Projecting growth for the industry at over 15% per annum in Australia
Supermarkets hold 37% of this market share at $131.8 million
Pharmacies hold 29%
Health Food stores 21%
Natural Practitioners 9%
Mail Order 4%
News Week July '03
According to a new study from Pew Internet - 80% of all web users over the age of 18 have sought health information online
44% of users have searched for information on diet, nutrition, vitamins or nutritional supplements
28% of users had specifically looked for information on alternative medicine
(Courier Mail Nov, 02):
Leading lipsticks, creams, eye shadows, foundations, nail polish, perfumes have been regularly found to contain toxic chemicals known to cause infertility
Women are unknowingly exposing themselves to some 100 chemicals every morning when applying makeup
Other every day use products including toothpastes, hair sprays, after shave lotions and gels, deodorants containing other similar toxic ingredients that are also being readily absorbed into our bodies.
1 in every 3 men and 1 in every 4 women will be directly affected by cancer before they are 75.
80,000 new cases diagnosed every year.
Most common are: Bowel, Prostate, Breast , Melanoma and Lung Cancer
80-90% of cancer is determined environmentally and by the food we eat and is therefore avoidable.
Less nutritional value in what we eat, less exercise and more free radicals and toxins are present in our environment.
CSIRO - ( Canberra Times Sept '03)
4 million Australians would be aged 65 years or older in 2020.
Is currently looking at the convergence of sciences like physiology,
biology, nutrition, food science, and other sciences to assist in creating
greater health prevention programs and improving management of disease.
Hoping to improve life by another 10 years.
The fact is that the individual cells in our body are constantly
dying and replacing themselves. Cellular Energy is a key to ensuring
longer cell life.
On a cellular level the biochemical objective of most wellness activity
is to ensure that these individual cells receive the maximum amount
of raw materials, proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary to remanufacture
themselves at the optimal level.
Doing this is a part of the key to creating longer lasting BETTER HEALTH!
Dieter L. Editor of useNature Gold Coast
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The information provided in this article is intended for general use and for personal interest only. It should not be used or understood as suggestion or medical advice.
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