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Dieter L. Editor of useNature Gold Coast

Books - Writing - Excerpts

A Positive Mindset – Harmony in BrainlandBrainland

Chaos in Brainland - A Metaphor as a reflection of our hectic world

Chaos in Brainland is to be understood as a country in all its manifestation and the mess it can create from opposing opinions and voices about politics - religion - human rights, and a constant fight over who is right or wrong. - There is no right and wrong; there are only agreements.
... by Dieter Luske

Book Marketing - ValValue-Added Book Marketing

In a highly competitive book market, with 500,000 to one million books published annually, it is nearly impossible for new authors to sell their books without marketing.
Value-added marketing
is a well-known strategy. The phrase, "Would you like chips with that?" is a good example. Something low cost is added to make the overall purchase look more valuable. 
Book marketing is a different story. If we assume for a moment that reading is a positive activity, even educational, then we can allow ourselves to feel good about marketing. - The question is, "Can value-added marketing work to sell books?"

Dieter's blog:

Rules of writingRules of Writing

The first rule is that rules are guides. They are not laws, and you can’t be jailed if you break them. - I am not keen on rules, but I like to know them. For me and my writing style, awareness of the rule is more important than the rule itself. When I write, I don’t think about rules, spelling or grammar; I just write. 

The best rule to adhere to is: “Write”; everything else will follow. 

Dieter's blog:

Brainland - Anxiety preventionFeedback for anxiety prevention self help!

I have received some interesting feedback for my last book, Chaos in Brainland.

Some readers have written chapter summaries to help themselves, which could be an excellent adjunct to the book.

Everyone has different needs and will interpret text from the book in different ways.

If you have the book, here is one add-on for the first chapter; Anxiety Prevention From Chaos to Harmony 

Art News

Chair - the unknownHi, I am Blake Newcome - the Protagonist in a new book

I am a journalist for the Fact File News. I am writing to you from the year 2034. Some of my articles may come in handy if you ever wonder where life is heading.

Follow Blake Newcome the fictional character - while the book by Dieter Luske is written.

While the book is written, Blake Newcome is writing on technlogical topics, the pros and cons of AI-associated developments.

Follow the adventures of Blake Newcome on Dieter's blog:

Mahler's Symphony No. 7, conducted by Umberto Clerici.

Mahler's Symphony No. 7, conducted by Umberto Clerici.

Clerici, as a cellist, he has played Mahler’s Seventh, but never conducted it.

The Seventh is a victory symphony, a journey from night to day, sometimes called Song of the Night. (German: Lied der Nacht) - The focus is on nature.

Umberto’s Mahler – The Journey Continues will be performed at QPAC’s Concert Hall on February 23 at 7.30pm and on February 24 at 1.30pm. 

Article by Phil Brown


Ben Mendelsohn sketch by Giselle

"The New Look" - Drama Series - Highly Recommended

Apple TV’s new drama series “The New Look” hits the spot with a dream cast. It stars three of my favourite artists, Ben Mendelsohn as Dior, Juliette Binoche as Chanel, and John Malkovich as Lelong.

The story of how those fashion icons and others navigate the horrors of World War II and the launch of Dior’s “New Look”. Inspired by actual events, it follows Parisian high fashion through the devastation in the final year of World War II and beyond.

PS. The sketch by Giselle of Ben Mendelsohn does not reflect his role but rather an impression of him as a complex artist.

The Belly of the Whale and Other Short StoriesThe Belly of the Whale and Other Short Stories

The short stories in 'The Belly of the Whale' are about women confronting difficulties in their lives and having to make life-critical choices in pressure-cooker situations. The women discover themselves as they stay the course and navigate through the headwinds in their lives. They find out they are more capable and resourceful than they would ever have imagined.

Available for purchase on - $19.95 


Friday afternoon and the punters
Are oiling their hunches.

By by Phil Brown

... read Phil's poem > click : Friday

Blue Hand Contemplation by Giselle Luske

Blue Hand Contemplation by Giselle Luske

Tribute portrait of a famous artist.

This portrait was inspired by a visit to at Picasso exhibition at the Queensland's Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) Pablo Picasso's personal art collection was shown for the first time in a venue outside Europe, and the exhibition, 'Picasso and His Collection', featured 150 works from the artist's own collection, including pieces by Cezanne, Renoir and Matisse.

ARTWORK FOR SALE: click > BLUE HAND - - - Or ... buy a print > Blue Hand Contemplation

Art Therapy and CounsellingHow Art Therapy Can Help You

Clear evidence is demonstrated daily within hospitals and clinics that art benefits well-being and, therefore, is a welcome adjunct to traditional therapies.

Art reduces all kinds of clinical symptoms, including stress and depression, as well as supporting cancer patients. Art activities are not limited to visual art; music is a substantial therapeutic tool, and so are poetry, sculptors, potters and, where possible, dancers. - Read more - Art Therapy

Pride and a whiff of Prejudice with The Wharf RevuePride and a whiff of Prejudice with The Wharf Revue

The Wharf Revue returns to QPAC with a new satirical show in which no politician is spared and the audience is promised more laughs than a sitting of Federal Parliament. - "I will read anything new and satirical where no politician is spared" - useNature Editor

Artiicle by Phil Brown

Boy Conquers Universe in hotly awaited Netflix series

Boy Swallows Universe is everything fans hoped it would be and while the Netflix series is set in Brisbane it tells a uniquely Australian story.

Written by Phil Brown


Chaos in Brainland - Self help book by Dieter LuskeChaos in Brainland - BUY NOW - Author Dieter Luske

A Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety Free Zone

The chaos in society is reflected in chaos between the ears, the territory Dieter Luske calls Brainland.

Dieter is a holistic counsellor with decades of experience and has conducted analysis in that most complicated laboratory – the self. You will discover dynamic techniques, different perspectives, and "First Aid Anxiety Response Hacks" to master your mindset and liberate your mind.

FREE for Kindle Unlimited or Paperback: $26.95 - BUY NOW

It happened in the seventies - book by Dieter LuskeIt Happened in the Seventies - buy or preview here

By Dieter Luske

A Memoir of Love, Colliding Worlds and a House on a Hill

An intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.

An inspiring read of a life-changing escapade Down Under - Phil Brown - The Courier-Mail  


By Stephen Canning

Using Mindfulness, Affirmation and other tools to Support Your Health and Wellbeing

Honouring the body, mind spirit connection.

Paperback - $13.07 on Amazon

Books By Bill Lee-EmeryHow To Be Bulletproof From Criticism:

And Do Whatever the Heck You Want (It is YOUR Life!)  by Bill Lee-Emery

Let's Be Honest. We've all been there. Sitting there, being yelled at, and verbally attacked by a coworker, a superior, a friend, family member or a complete stranger. Your heart rate goes up; you start to sweat; you are patiently listening to all those words that cut deep, hurt your feelings, and disrupt your life. 

Any Guru Will Do

A Modern Man's Search for Meaning

by Phil Brown

A humorous look at a usually lofty and intimidating topic - the meaning of life - this book documents one man's uphill journey to enlightenment. Explaining the attractions (and pitfalls) of a pick-and-choose approach, the discussion covers Eastern and Western beliefs, all the while elucidating their practices through personal anecdotes.  - highly recommended .... Dieter Luske

News from Brainland - Subscribe

Book Publishing Support

Dieter Luske - Writer and editor for useNature

For Question or Feedback, please contact : Dieter L. - Editor

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Dieter Luske - Author - Australia

Dieter Luske - Author

Certified Human - by Dieter Luske - Sci-Fi Crime Novel

Certified Human

Sci-Fi Crime Novel

Society has been quietly infiltrated by machines that mimic human appearance.

Chaos in Brainland - Self help book by Dieter Luske


Chaos in Brainland

Dieter Luske on FB

By the Editor of useNature:

Buy Now

It happened in the seventies - book by Dieter Luske

It happened in the seventies

An intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.

Dieter Luske - Writer

From Chaos in Brainland

Brain Plasticity

to Harmony in Brainland

LU-Books - Publishing

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