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Work Attitudes - Philosophy of Results

Article: The Philosophy of influence

Holistic Work Attitudes ...

Article by Dieter Luske N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H

Work, don't you just love it ? No? Why not?

After all, it's your choice, you either love it and be happy, or hate it and be unhappy. Therefore, even if you are stuck in a bad job, you may as well love it. it's the better attitude for you.

Now, wouldn't it be nice if it would be that easy?

But work is more than just a simple word to describe a function; it is loaded with emotions, preconceptions, fear, love, hate, different perspectives and attitudes.
No doubt, most of us have to work to earn a living; it's a "fact" of life.
For most of people that fact can't be changed, but it may be possible to change ones attitude towards work.

What actually is work, and why has it become such an ill-conceived word?

The true meaning of work is simple;
"it is an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result."

In that explanation, money is not the main objective, "result" is.

I do like this definition, as it is in itself: "neutral". It has no meaning or emotion attached to it. It is not bad nor good, not positive or not negative, it just becomes what you make it.
There is no doubt, that a huge group of people see work as a necessary evil to stay alive. They simply have to work, often in a meaningless job, just to earn a living. It is easy to preach; "do what you love", but if for that group no other means to earn a living is apparent, than that advice will just cause more hardship. Instead, it may be possible to change ones attitude, concentrate on the positive part of actually having a job and earning money, and loving that part.

By example, I remember as a very young adult talking to a street-sweeper, yes, it was a long time ago. He told me, that he has the best job ever, he earns enough, can work all day outside in the fresh air, has not a worry in the world, has a sense of "result" looking back at the street just swept, and as a bonus, he didn't have to work in bad weather, but still got paid.

I can't find a better example to demonstrate a positive attitude. For him, work was a positive experience, who knows, he may have even loved his job.
However someone else in the same situation may well hate that job, dreading to go to work everyday, hating the hopelessness of that situation, but without a change of attitude, that person makes life even harder as it is already.
If I am asked, "how should I come to terms with the fact that I have to work for the rest of my life?"
I always answer, if possible, love what you do, the chance to keep a positive attitude is much higher, and you are more likely to be good and passionate about your work.

I was brought up, with the notion that working hard is all you have to do to be successful.

No one told me it is Not all, there is more to it, and I changed my attitude upon hearing this next phrase:

"You are working too hard, you have no time to think how to make money".

I found that very intriguing, and it certainly changed my mind and attitude about work.

I still worked hard, but focused my attention now on what I really would loved to do, and how to achieve results and income out of that.

Not long after, I had my own business.

But, before anyone can actually "do what they love to do", and even make money with that; they may have to come to terms with some other facts.

Consider for a moment that we are all "sucked in". Go to school, be educated, finish school or University, get a job and work hard till you drop.
For many that may be the right model for a successful life. For others this may not suit at all.
We do have a choice, there is the possibility to question that basic structure, as many people obviously have, and find other ways and attitudes towards life, living and working.
Maybe instead of trying to find a job,  and  let the job dictate your lifestyle, you try it the different way around.

First, you create the lifestyle you would like to have, than you budget that lifestyle, and see what you need to earn to live your preferred lifestyle.

You may find out that you need to earn much less, giving you better job opportunities as well as time to think and create your own niche to work in, doing what you love to do, possibly working your own business.

The future will undoubtedly present us with new working facts, and working for oneself may have to become much more prominent.

This may be well the greatest change in attitude, switching from relying on someone providing a job, to creating your own work and income.

Article by .... Dieter Luske


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Holistic Philosophies

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It happened in the seventies

A Memoir of Love, Colliding Worlds and a House on a Hill

Intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.

Dieter Luske
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