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7 Myth and Facts about Natural Therapies

Why we can't be without Natural Therapies ...

Dieter Luske - N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H ... practicing Active Prevention

*Active Prevention means a person has to perform a lifestyle changing action, by either including or excluding lifestyle habits.

7 Myth & Facts about Natural Therapies ...

  1. Myth 1 - Natural Therapy is a Profession, a Health Treatment Modality
    Natural Therapy is just a "General Umbrella Term", covering over 50 distinctly different Healing or Healthy Lifestyle therapies, practices and services.
    Natural Therapy is NOT a profession, there is NO Bachelor degree, Diploma or Certificate in Natural Therapy.
    This Fact carries most of the "Myth" or misunderstanding. It is used by Skeptics to blatantly and deliberately spread "General Misinformation" against various Natural Therapies.

    NOTE: Before someone discredits Natural Therapies, they need to explain which particular Therapy they talk about.

  2. Myth 2 - Natural Therapy is Quackery
    "Quackery" is a general term to discredit Natural Therapies.
    That term could be applied to anything and anyone deceiving someone for profit. - Any fraudulent advice or practice can be seen as quackery. -
    Qualified Accredited Natural Health Care practitioners are practicing ethical natural health care.

  3. Myth 3 - Natural Therapy is Causing Harm - It is discouraging Patients to seek medical care and treatments.
    It is exactly the opposite. Medical Treatments are absolutely out of Scope of Practice for any Natural Modality, and therefore a Natural Therapy Practitioner of any modality would recommend a person to consult a Medical Practitioner for any kind of disease.
    Natural Therapies, practices and services all have a therapeutic effect.
    NOTE: Therapeutic does NOT mean Treating a Disease.
    Cambridge Dictionary:
    Meaning of therapeutic in English: - having a healing effect; tending to make a person healthier: For arthritis sufferers, moderate exercise is therapeutic. - OR ... causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed or to be more healthy: I find gardening very therapeutic.

  4. Myth 4 - Natural Therapy is Not needed, all its services are already supplied by the Medical System!
    Strong statement, and if it would be true, NO one would ever use any type of Natural Therapy. Everyone would consult a Medical Doctor, however as it stands, 70 to 80% of people consulting a Natural Therapist do so because they have not received enough guidance or answers from their GP.

  5. Myth 5 - People criticising Natural Therapies ... don't use Natural Therapies themselves.
    Actually, everyone is using Natural Therapies all the time! - Changed your diet lately, weight gain maybe? ... you are using Natural Therapies. - If you bump into something and rub that spot, you are using Natural Therapy. - Feeling a bit stiff, morning, stretching yourself .. Yes .. you are using Natural Therapy, etc., etc.
    The differentiation between a practitioner and a lay person is that the practitioner is trained and qualified. - Therefore practitioners know what they are doing, whereas the lay person acts mainly on hearsay, marketing, media, grandmother or facebook.
    It is most likely that because of lay persons, various magazines, general and social media that attacks on Natural Therapies have increased.

  6. Myth 6 - Natural Modalities are Not effective as declared by the Government, on advice by the NHMRC.
    Who is the NHMRC? It is the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia's peak funding body for medical research, with a budget of roughly $900 million a year. -
    This medical research body, has ruled against 17 of the many Natural Therapy modalities.
    How can a Medical Research Body, guided and ruled by the Medical System make an un-biased judgment on the effectiveness of any of the Natural Therapies?
    Answer: It can't, one simply can not qualify, judge or validate any Natural Therapy with Medical Standards.
    Here are the 17 Natural Therapy Modalities deemed as NOT effective: ( But certainly therapeutic )
    Alexander technique - Aroma therapy - Ayurveda - Bowen therapy - Buteyko - Feldenkrais - Herbalism/western herbalism - Homeopathy - Iridology - Kinesiology - Massage therapy - Naturopathy - Pilates - Reflexology - Rolfing - Tai Chi - Yoga.

  7. Myth 7 - Natural Therapy is Pseudoscience
    Pseudoscience ... a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
    Before one can declare a Pseudoscience, someone first need to declare that something is a Science.
    Natural Therapies are Not Pseudosciences, because they have not claimed to be Science. -
    Natural Therapies are a combination of *Natural Science and Philosophy.
    * Natural Science is a branch of science, more concerned with the description and understanding of natural phenomena.

Article by:
Dieter Luske - N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H Editor for

* Disclaimer - Any general advice given in any article should not be relied upon and should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a qualified medical Doctor. 

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