Using the World Health Organisations, WHO Constitution as a Guideline:
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
The Natural System provides "experties" in promoting and supporting "complete physical, mental and social well-being".
The Medical System, "provides the absence of disease or infirmity".
NOTE: It is NOT enough for a medical Doctor to suggest a healthier lifestyle; the motivation and willingness to change needs strong guidance and practical applications for direct active participation or group activities.
Groups for walking / exercise, weight loss meetings, attitude changes, relaxation /meditation, nutrition / diets have to be provided with government incentives to ensure ongoing compliance. (under guidance of a Holistic orientated Practitioner)
Compiled by: Dieter Lüske N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H
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The "Pluralistic" Health Care System - revisiting Medical History |
The defining "Split" of the Natural and Medical Systems.* |
"The microbe is nothing; the terrain is everything".The year was 1825, when Medicine took one gigantic step forward, while taking one gigantic step backwards.The Germ theory, discovering Bacteria causing diseases and rejecting the notion that a healthy body system may not Prevent this from happening, has separated the Medical system from a Natural Preventative system, *There is only one way to re-unite both system, and this is by recognising that We Need Both Systems, creating therefore a Pluralistic Health Care System The accidental Protagonists:
Active Preventative Healing Perspective - Create the "terrain" which is resisting disease. |
Viewing the cause of disease as a function of the condition of the terrain represents "the Split" away from the medical model to a natural healing perspective. The medical model, which dominates Western Medicine, relies in large measure upon the tenets of the germ theory, thereby, rendering humans as the "Reactive" targets who are the mercy of microbes. In contrast; the Natural Preventive Perspective shifts the focus from the power of germs and puts the emphasis on the environment, the terrain, in which microbes seek to live. It also recognizes people as "ProActive Agents" of health, who can make choices to create a terrain that remains in balance and less vulnerable to the potentially deleterious effects of germs. … anything that negatively alters the terrain, can cause diseases by upsetting homeostasis.Homeostasis is the body’s balancing mechanism, and balance is a key word in health. Therefore, it is very important that we get the body in balance and keep it in balance by ACTIVE PREVENTATIVE HEALTH CARE. Today, it is well recognised that LIFESTYLE CHOICES exert a major influence on our General Health, with LIFESTYLE DISEASES now ranking in the top 10 disease statistics. The 5 main Lifestyle choices that lead to susceptibility to disease:
Conclusion |
Explaining disease as a reflection of the condition of the "terrain" and our lifestyle choices, provides a "Practical and Natural Way" to think about, and practice good health for anyone interested in preventing disease and living with physical, mental, spiritual and social vitality. From this perspective, the terrain is indeed everything.
Compiled by: Dieter LüskeN.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H |
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