...Spiritual Healing and Angel Channeling
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Channeling Angels Spiritual Healing

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Article: Channeling Angels, Light Beings

Angel Channeling Development

Compiled by Dieter Luske N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H

Holistic Therapy Consultant - Gold Coast - Canungra

Clear to Channel - Developing Discernment

by Tae'En [Shely Mort] - Brisbane

Our vibrations, personally and collectively, are rising and the veils are thinning.

We are becoming more and more aware of many different interdimensional beings around us. We talk about, and connect with, angels, light beings, galactic beings, ascended masters and many other beneficial entities and energies; we connect by channelling, in visions and through intuition and meditation. We are looking for, and receiving, more spiritual and energetic guidance from non-physical beings, and are also using these contacts in our healing.


Angels In Your Life


We are asking how we can know which information is trustworthy, and how to trust our connections and perceptions.

We are intuitively aware that not all messages come from pure sources aligned with the highest vibrations, and that some of what we are exposed to can be questionable, and sometimes completely misleading or worse. We ask how we can get a clearer connection to the information we do want to, how to get rid of influences we don't want, and how to tell the difference! And it is always a good to clear your sources, to become more discerning, no matter what your level of intuition or involvement is. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to do this.
[The best methods are usually deceptively simple when it comes to spiritual matters!].

First, know that no high vibrational being [or worthy spiritual teacher for that matter] will ever talk about blaming anyone for your situation, or use language that gives rise to feelings of division, or say anything that makes anyone feel fearful, limited, victimised or powerless to change things, with or without their help.

High vibrational beings are joyful and lovingly supportive, and you will feel uplifted and expanded by the quality and feel of their communications. They will always encourage you to deeper feelings of wellbeing and self empowerment.

To come into a clear perceptive space, tune into your inner being and start by mandating that you are rendered absolutely inviolate, and absolutely harmless in thought word and deed, through the over-souling awareness of that highest aspect of your consciousness that knows itself as Source, without differentiation, and which communicates directly with you as an individuated consciousness. We could also call this your GodSelf , if you like. Make the statement, preferably aloud. You could do this right now if you like. You do not need to set up special spaces to communicate with your highest aspects.

Offer everything that you do, say, intend and create - All that you Are - to the Highest Good, under the Light and The Law of One states that we are All One - that which is done to any single one, is done to All; that what one experiences, all experience. That we are one of many, and many of One. It is the law of Highest Good.

Always remember that your decree is your command - ask and it is given. "And so it is" or "Amen" are some examples of how we affirm that.

Mandate that everything that comes to you, and goes from you, always goes by way of that very. That nothing that is not aligned under the Law of One may ever approach or communicate with you in any way. That if you do come into contact with anything that is not clear, it will be beneficial for your growth and learning, and that you will immediately become aware that something which requires your attention is happening. If you are ever unsure, call everything into clarity and transparency - command that "all is clear and apparent under the Law of One".

Command that anything that is not aligned under the Law of One leave your presence immediately. Ask for every entity to identify itself under the Law. Just because something says "I'm Archangel Michael" doesn't necessarily mean that you have what you would call Archangel Michael! Or that the consciousness you've connected to is at a clear enough vibrational level to relay accurate and beneficial information.

Ask to commune with the highest manifestation of that energy under the Law of One. [It might be beginning to sound monotonous, but putting everything under the Law is a great filter - it keeps it clear & simple, and after a while anything not aligned will not even bother to approach you - mostly.] Mandate that if there is anything you need to become aware of, it will be made clear to you with ease and grace. Ask that any lessons come with ease and grace. Then trust that All is Well.

You are in charge of You, and your experience here on Earth - make no mistake: it's your life and the Law of Free Will applies absolutely - You make the rules for You! You also get to choose whether to choose awareness and responsibility, or whether to ignore good practice, and you are free to experience the consequences of your decisions. You are very free indeed!

Another area that gives people concern is the existence of, and potential or actual "energetic entanglement" with, non-beneficial beings, "entities" or energies. People talk a lot about "protection", but it's not a very helpful concept because, if you think about it for a moment, it will be apparent that protection is a fear based concept - it holds the assumption that non-beneficial things are being drawn to you! And further, when you are fearful enough to want protection, by the Law of Attraction * you are already attracting what you fear! Non-beneficial entities, etc, are attracted by fear in the first place - it's their job to make darkness darker, to increase resistance, and lower vibration. You don't look for protection when crossing a highway, you be sensible and take care!

A better way is to intend to always be vibrating energetically and spiritually above the perception or interest level of non-beneficial consciousnesses [including humans!]. If you focus on raising your vibration, and consistently find ways to do that, you will get clearer faster.

Repeating the phrase Nua-Ka Nua-E Kuo-A [pron. "Kwo -A"] a few times will create a field of 100% positivity around you, which will help you to raise your vibration. Every couple of weeks you can tune into your God-Self and say "I raise my vibration now", and the very best way is to consistently find things around you to appreciate, which will take you to new levels quickly and easily. Cultivate an 'Attitude of Gratitude".

Anytime you are not comfortable, or are unsure of what's communicating with or affecting you, you can command that anything that is not in alignment with your highest good be cleared absolutely, and that anything non beneficial pass through you without affecting your field. Command that you are only ever open to receiving that which comes fully under the Light and Law of One.

If you are aware of the presence of entities or other non-beneficial energies in someone's field, or space, or in your own, you can call on those benevolent beings that have mastery in this area, who come under the Law of One, to remove them. They will, and they are very effective. You could also directly command that any entities [to leave your field and go to their next level of service, by invoking the Law of Free Will, and the Law of One. But do be aware that there are some very challenging 'super-entities' that are very slippery characters indeed. They may hide away to return later, or be so clever that you will not spot them at all. If something seems stuck, or returns later, or feels not right, and you can't clear it, call on an earthly expert for help.

Sometimes it takes a human being to get resolution in the earthly plane.

Sometimes you need to heal or release why they've attached.

Command that all your guides, and all light beings, angels, archangels, galactic beings, ascended masters or whatever that wish to communicate with you, come under the supervision of your GodSelf. Call them all fully into alignment with the Law of One. All beneficial beings will be delighted at your discernment and comply instantly. Command that all that are not so aligned be gone immediately. You may actually experience some guides or "angels" leaving! [If so, ask for more beneficial and appropriate light beings to replace them.]

There are many characters out there, floating around in the astral plane, or in galactic dimensional space, that say they are the real deal, and speak the "Highest Truth". Some will simply be well meaning and deluded, and may delude you too! Others are actually interfering maliciously to further their own agendas, while still others simply want a piece of the action because this is a very exciting time and place to be a participant in! There are lots of cosmic visitors and spectators around observing The Shift, and few of us have time to waste with distractions and tourists! The "etheric" realms are mirrors of our own, and just as challenging.

When communicating with your GodSelf, or the beings of your choice through your GodSelf, call for a clear channel.

"I connect fully, clearly and openly with my GodSelf Aspect", or you could simply command "Clear channel!"

Then clear any interference from the equivalent of cosmic "junk mail": "Clear communication!".

Call for your personal stuff, preferences, prejudices etc to be put aside: " Clear personality; clear judgement! " and call for all else that which is not aligned the highest good to also be cleared. 'Clear all that is not aligned under the Law of One".

Command that if there is anything at all you need to become aware of, it be made clear to you immediately, with ease and grace.

Now you're in a position to be confident in the quality of your connection. If at any time in any of your communications, intuitions or practices you are not sure that all is as it appears, simply command that all be made clear and apparent under the Light and Law of One, and command that anything not so aligned be removed forthwith from your presence. Calling upon the Law of One is a simple, foolproof and direct way of clearly ensuring the highest good is being served - as Universal Law it must be obeyed when invoked.

As you practice these techniques your discernment will improve, and you will develop, if that's your intent, into a clear channel, healer or conduit, of the highest clarity and vibrational integrity.

© Shely Mort 2005

*When you focus on what you don't want, that's what gets energised and drawn to you. The Law of Attraction states that you get what you focus on. You can't actually repel something you're focussed on, any more than you can "unthink" a thought. You can change the energy and find a positive thought of equal intensity, same as you can change your focus only to include what you do want.

If you are interested in positive thinking and the power of attraction, the best book around is "Ask and It is Given", by Ester and Gerry Hicks [pub Hay House]

Shely [TaeEn] is a master healer and clear conduit channel, with special skills in entity removal. She developed the unique energy clearing system of Metagetic Bio-Spiritual Kinesiology .

Article supplied by; Shely TeyEn

Also from the same Author: SOURCE CODES: KEYS TO THE GATEWAYS


Article compiled by ...

the editor of Use Nature, Dieter Luske

Please contact me directly for more info or Research Participation: Dieter L. - Editor

* Disclaimer - Any general advice given in any article should not be relied upon and should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a qualified medical Doctor.

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