... Natural Nutrition and Lunch Recipes
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Healthy Lunch Diet - Nutrition

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Article: Nutritional Health - Healthy Lunch Recipes - Part 10

Balanced Diet - Diet Suggestions - Lunch Menu

..... by Dieter Luske N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H

Holistic Therapy Consultant - Gold Coast - Canungra

Healthy Lunch Recipe Section - Menu

I will mark food items as follows:

C : Carbohydrate - P : Protein - F : Fat

Within a balanced meal you should have all 3. Make sure that the protein part is large enough.

Protein for a full meal, is equivalent to the palm of your hand


Recipe Section - Menus :

Lunch - The Important Midday Meal Provides kilo joules and energy for the rest of the day!

Digestive functions are at their best ....

The basic recipe: Proteins & Vegetables

Proteins - Fish, Poultry, Lean Meat, Tofu,Tempeh, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Ricotta, Low Fat Cheese.

Vegetables - as in salad, but don't restrict yourself to salad vegetables, include crisp steamed, cooked or blanched vegetables - warm or cold - into your salad.

Eat protein, vegetable combination as a salad or serve separated. It is an ideal meal to prepare at breakfast and take to work. To keep cool, place meal into a cool-seal-bag with a cool pak.

Add: Nuts, Seeds, Tahini or Oil for your fat requirements.

For taste add: herbs, spices, apple cider vinegar, tahini, tamari, miso, lemon juice, or homemade sauces, dressings, dips, soy-mayonnaise, tofu-sour cream or any combination you fancy.

General measurements are:

For Fish about 125grams for a meal - about the size of your palm
For Meat about 100gr.

If this serve is too small for a large or very active person, add more protein, but also more carbohydrate and fat to keep t e balance.


Lunch Choice 1: Tofu and Sweet Corn Salad

Use cooked tofu, sweet corn and toss together with soy mayonnaise, serve with lettuce, tomato, some onion rings - eat and enjoy!
180 gm. cooked Tofu - P
1/2 cup Corn - C
3 cups Lettuce & 1/2 Onion - C
1 Tomato - C
3 tsp. Soy Mayonnaise - F

Choice 2: Crumbled Tofu Salad

Crumble uncooked tofu and soak in lemon juice, add garlic and chives.
Salad - grated carrot and zucchinis, Tiny Tom tomatoes, diced cucumber. Combine and toss, add sunflower seeds for crunch.
180 gm. uncooked Tofu - P
1/2 cup grated Carrots - C
1 cup Zucchini - C
5 Tiny Tim Tomatoes &
1/2 sliced Cucumber - C
1 tsp. Sunflower seeds - F
2/3 tsp. Olive oil - F


Fish a la Apple - design - productsChoice 3: Lemon Fish

Bake your favourite fish in foil with lemon, garlic and onions. Serve with a salad mix.
135 gm. Fish - P
Onions, chopped - C
Lettuce, Tomato - C
1 Cucumber sliced - C
1 tsp. Olive Oil - F
Add spices, herbs, vinegar etc)


Choice 4: Chicken Salad

Take grilled, small chicken pieces, toss into dressing with added almonds and sunflower seeds.
Serve with a salad made from shredded cucumber, tomato, zucchini and broccoli pieces.
90 gm. Chicken - P
3/4 cup Broccoli and
3/4 cup Zucchini - C
1/2 Cucumber & 1 Tomato C
1 tsp. Raisins - C
3 tsp. Soy Mayonnaise - F

Choice 5:  Soy Mayonnaise Egg's

Take semi-hard boiled eggs, toss in soy mayonnaise with herbs and spices.
Serve with bean salad, Lima beans (cooked and cooled), tomatoes, onions and add same cheese.
2 Eggs - 2 parts Protein
30 gm.  non-fat cheese - 1 part P
1 Tomato & 1 sm. Onion - C
1/2 cup Lima beans  - C
3 tsp. Soy mayonnaise - F

Choice 6: Tuna, Salad Pocket

125gr. Tuna in Water - P
1 Pocket Mini Pita Bread - C
Fill with Alfalfa Sprouts, Onions, Lettuce, Radish and Tomato - C
1 tsp. Tahini - F
3 Olives - F


Next: Part 11 - click > Healthy Dinner Recipes

or ... click >> useNatures Health Manual- Menu


Article by ... the editor of Use Nature, Dieter Luske


To read more, go to the : Self Help Menu

Related Treatment Modalities : Naturopath - Nutritionist

* Disclaimer - Any general advice given in any article should not be relied upon and should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a qualified medical Doctor.

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