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What is Holistequine?

Equine Assisted Coaching

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What is Holistequine ?

Holistequine is... Maximizing Human Potential through the Spirit of the Horse.

"Whole Body Intelligence" (W.B.I) and the healing effect of animals upon the human energy field- the next era in Vibrational Medicine.

Veronica Garrett

Holistequine Practitioner and Trainer - Cooroy, Queensland - Australia

An overview of the Holistequine W.B.I. System

After reading recent articles about the effect whales and dolphins are having on humans I felt compelled to write to you about the exciting work we are doing here on the Gold Coast in relation to this animal/human connection. We have been studying the effect of the interaction of bio-energy fields now for many years, our work revolving mainly around horses although smaller animals are also involved.

More and more people are becoming aware of the healing powers of Dolphins and Whales and the sense of connection people feel when they are around them.

We have also found that we get a similar response when people are with our horses.

Like the whales and dolphins we see the positive effect our horses have on people Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually .

Our study of this human/animal connection has led us to the conclusion that the gift of the animals is to open humanity to the next evolutionary step on our journey. The animals will help us to explore and to trust our 6th sense and to help us gain insight into claiming our higher perception and intuition. These findings have also led us to begin developing a practical system that actually helps integrate this new form of higher learning and healing. We have called the technique 'Whole Body Intelligence".

Through the W.B.I. system we are able to start healing the duality within each individual and we then begin to feel a sense of "connection". This connection is felt through the human and animal bodies, to the earth body and the heavenly bodies (or intelligence).. The result is a feeling of oneness.

A history of Holistequine and the W.B.I. System - is a study of how the horse has helped us connect to a more Holistic approach to life.

It is an account of how a passion for horses (and indeed a love of all animals) combined with a career as a Naturopath led to the evolvement of an amazing new technique.

My 20 year involvement with horses became more that just a hobby. As a practitioner of Natural Therapies, Metaphysics and Energy Medicine I began to see the energetic effect horses had on our wellbeing. This combined with a keen interest in Vibrational Medicine and Nature developed into an exciting new modality of healing and a new field of Personal Development called "Whole Body Intelligence".

The recognition of the symbiotic relationship between animals and their carers began when I started my practice. I was called out to see many animals with various physical or emotional problems. What I wasn't expecting to find was the mirroring effect from the owner, an effect that saw the animals often carrying similar symptoms as their human or, a behavioural problem caused by a psychological aspect of the owner. Unfortunately ten to fifteen years ago these observations were a little "fringe" to be taken seriously.

I gradually abandoned my practise and concentrated on my horses, furthering my study while all the time working on my own personal growth. I increased my horse family to 11 and without being consciously aware of it was in the embryonic stage of developing this new technique. The Holistequine horses began to teach us a new way to communicate which further developed into a system. A system that showed us how to improve the way we interact and communicate with each other. A whole set of practical, interactive exercises started to emerge. Once we began working with whole energy field (focused through the chakra system) health issues would be exposed along with old buried behavioural patterns within a person.

They say that if you want something strongly enough the universe will provide. I had always wanted a greater understanding of why animals are in our lives, what is the spiritual connection between animals and humans? The answer, for me, came with getting to know my horses and of feeling that deep connection that enables horse and rider to have "one mind". It came with the understanding of the spirit of the horse and of his service to man.. It came after many years of observing how the qualities inherent in the horses strengthened our own energy field, how the strength, determination, sensitivity and mindset of the horse by osmosis seemed to develop the same qualities in us. Most importantly it taught me respect for the so called "lower kingdoms"

As we started to attract clients and students it became clear that something very powerful was at work here. People would arrive with headaches, sinus problems and an array of minor ailments that would disappear after being around our horses. People would cry and release old programming while working with a horse of their choice.

What we were seeing was that our family of horses (the elders, the parents and the youngsters) acted as archetypes in people's lives, and that issues around those absent family members could be cleared by the horses. The unconditional love (or service) that the horse represented was reaching areas that no human practitioner could access.

Our work with the hoses and our research into interactive bio-energy fields started to answers questions, questions as to what was happening with this exchange of energy between the animals and humans.

So, after many years of working with our horses and seeing that being in the energy field of the horses improved wellbeing spiritually, emotionally and physically, things were about to take a leap forward.

On a visit to our centre it was then suggested by a colleague Ken Grimmer (author and researcher of electro-magnetic energy fields) that what we were probably experiencing during this interactive work with the horses was a phenomenon known by neurophysiologists as Entrainment. 

Now we had our connection!

Entrainment is a phenomenon of Physics involving resonance. It was first linked to a 17 th century Dutch scientist, Christian Huygens. " While working on the design of the pendulum clock, Huygens found that when he placed two of them on a wall near each other and swung the pendulums at different rates, they would eventually end up swinging in at the same rate. This is due to their mutual influence on one another". More interestingly he found that the rhythm was always dictated by the largest pendulum (or the strongest energy field). Here, at Holistequine we see the horse (energy field) as the more powerful pendulum.

Entrainment is "a phenomenon of resonance or synchronization, defined as a tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. It is also defined as a synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles" Entrainment has a subconscious effect on our lives every day. "The principals appear in most sciences including chemistry, biology, architecture, astronomy and medicine. The classic example demonstrates individual pulsing heart muscle cells, when brought close together begin pulsing in synchrony.

Now in the understanding of this concept and of being consciously aware of how it affects the mind/body connection the horses were also showing us a way to apply the phenomenon. This evolved into a series of practical, interactive- equine assisted exercises the application of which we see could ultimately benefit every aspect of our wellbeing.

Scientists are at odds as to "what is mind/consciousness?" The limited view of modern Neurologists is to have located the mind in the brain with "consciousness being the result of electro-chemical neurological activity"; however this does not explain the higher levels of mind such as creativity, intuition, imagination, will or spirit. Up to date there has been no effective way to measure consciousness with an instrument. To my mind we are therefore left with the need to investigate extra-rational ways of knowing from an experiential approach and work backwards.

This new appreciation of the concept of Entrainment became the key to the understanding of what was happening with our horses.

Metaphysics and Physics finally join forces.

This new insight also led us down the path of needing to have the W.B.I. method authenticated, because now we not only knew what was happening but we could document a system and reproduce the results. The "stronger" energy field of the horse had a permanent healing effect on the "weaker" field of the human. We could not only identify the weakness within the energy centres but we also could correct it.

The W.B.I. system we foresee will revolutionise the way we "think" about ourselves and the world around us. It allows us to experience life as a "whole energy field" and consequently to understand ourselves as part of a greater Whole.

During our investigations we found that once we started working with the horses to integrate the persons " whole " body (or energy field) it had a positive, domino effect on the intelligence and the healing capacity of the physical body.

We see the potential of this ongoing work as staggering, the beauty of working with animals in this way means that because the feedback comes directly from the horse it is trans-personal. It is also experiential in that the human feels the effect themselves; it is not just an intellectual concept.

The work at Holistequine involves a technique that appears to balance our higher centres, the centres that control our programming. As we come to understand this phenomenon we are able to translate the information into programs that touch every aspect of human health and social interaction, from Life Coaching and Child Development to Corporate and Workplace training to Healing the physical body.

Many years ago, after reading this passage I knew my path Alice Bailey, from her book The Seven Rays of Life:

"The relation between the human and the animal kingdoms will become increasingly close. The service of the animal to man is well recognised and of ceaseless expression. The service of man to the animals is not yet understood though some steps in the right direction are being taken. There must eventually be a close synthesis and sympathetic coordination between them and when this is the case some very extraordinary occurrences of animal mediumship under human inspiration will take place....".

We are experiencing promising early results with this work and we know that with this new understanding of interactive bio-energy fields we will see it become a modality in the next generation of Vibrational Medicine.

I am writing to you because we now need to take this concept to the next level and create an interest in this type of work and be training practitioners for the future. This involves the trainee facilitator to be constantly clearing and purifying their own energy fields so as to receive the necessary information through the horses, this in itself is a huge demand as our horses are hard taskmasters, they see through our ego and unless our intention is pure it just won't happen.

Although our work here involves horses, not dolphins the effect that they have on humans is similar.

I think this is because we have given each horse many years to let them be themselves and therefore reclaim their pure essence of who they are and, just like the sea creatures our horses are free spirits.

As we know there is already widespread acceptance of the healing benefit of smaller animals, dogs in particular are being used therapeutically in hospitals and nursing homes. What has not been available until now is a set of practical, repeatable exercises that demonstrate the effects of these interactive bio-energy fields. Exercises that have been developed into a system and documented within a training manual

I recall many years ago while watching a documentary on space exploration the commentator said words to the effect of "how can we possibly hope to make contact with life on other planets when we cannot yet successfully communicate with our own species". The Holistequine belief is that until we correct this imbalance we cannot evolve spiritually.

Our Philosophy: That behind the ego, personality and the emotions lay a powerful energy field or Spirit which can be accessed through our intuition and is the true representation of who we are. The animals are here to help us with this connection, the horse representing Spirit.

Article supplied by:

Veronica Garrett - Holistequine Practitioner and Trainer

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