ARTICLE 11 - Meta Questions - Active Self Coaching
Meta is a prefix, which in the way we are using it here, it indicates that there is more to a specific item, thought or concept than it appears to be.
This concept can be used as a tool for change. To stimulate that change, specific questions are asked, which are called Meta-Questions.
These questions are here to confront yourself, your belief system, your values and often your generalisations.
The more questions you will ask, the more Answers / Awareness you will get.
Ask your self .. or if counselling .. ask the client.
- DELETIONS are one form of generalisation.
Ask yourself - about whom or what?
Example: I don't like him/her! ( you have deleted the reason )
Ask yourself : What about him don't I like?
Example: I don't understand!
Ask yourself I don't understand what?
Ask yourself - Who or what specifically?
Example: No one wants me!
Ask: "who specifically does not want you?
Example: This is hard!
Ask. What specifically is hard about that?
Ask yourself: How specifically?
Example: He rejected me!
Ask. How, specifically, did he reject you?
Example: They ignore me!
Ask: How, specifically, do they ignore you?
- NOMINALISATIONS are nouns which describe an ongoing event, and this has to be changed back into a process word.
Example: I don't get any recognition!
Ask: How would you like to be recognised?
Example: I want help!
Ask: How do you want to be helped?
- UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIERS: refers to the set of words typified by; all - every - always - never - nobody etc.
Example: I never do anything right!
Ask. Do I absolutely never, never do anything right.???
- LACK OF CHOICE - Typically victim position. Words like: I can't or have to, must, etc.
Ask yourself: what stops you, or what would happen if you did?
Example: I can't do it.
Ask: What stops me?
Example: I have to finish by Tuesday!
Ask: What would happen if I didn't?
- MIND READING - ( Most common practice if you assume something)
This refers to the belief that one person can know what another person is thinking or feeling without communication - or without knowing yourself where you got that knowledge from.
Good for testing belief systems and values etc.
Ask yourself. How specifically do I know?
Example.. I know what is best for me!
Ask: How, specifically do I know what is best for me?
Where is that knowledge coming from, parents etc.?
- JUDGEMENT: laying your trip on somebody else !
Challenge in asking, For whom?
Example: This is the right way to do it!
Ask: This is the right way for whom?
Which brings us to the next subject - Your Belief System ... and what it does to you ...
Excerpt from a workshop & book - published 1993 - titled; "Do you believe in You" - Dieter Luske ©