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How to Quit Smoking
Smoking Cessation Treatments

Article: How to Quit Smoking ?

Stop Smoking Australia - how to quit?

Article by Dieter L. Editor N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H

Author of "Chaos in Brainland" - A Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety Free Zone

.. smoking belongs into that category which can be helped with "replacement therapy". This does not mean to replace nicotine with something else. It replaces habit thinking with supportive thinking. - Self Hypnosis scripts are included in this book.

Anti Smoking - Stop Smoking - Quit Smoking!

... doesn't matter how you put it ... the message is the same ..

Facts & Information on Holistic Anti Smoking Treatments

Stop Smoking, Information and Self Help Section

Why is it, that even if we know that something is bad for us, we still keep doing it, what ever it is. By the way, this is not only a question for smokers, this is for everything. We know that certain foods or drinks are extremely bad for us, esp in the long run, but we still, at least most of us, stay with their lifestyle habits, whatever they may be.

Answer: It is because something has become a Habit.
It may have an addictive element, which obviously would make a habit worse, but the main point to bring into awareness is the realisation, that it is a habit.

NOTE: New research on Habits and Brain Neuron Pathways have been recently discovered, for more info see - Brain Plasticity

Do you know someone who bites their fingernails ?
That is a habit as well. I know people who found it much easier to stop smoking than to stop biting their fingernails.

That shows you, how strong a habit can be.

Everyone knows, you can change a habit, but the question to ask is:

Do you want to change your Habit?

Habits are formed, not chosen.

I bet, you didn't think about smoking for a few days, and than you made up your mind that smoking is fantastic, and you will start smoking because it is cool and you will smoke for the rest of your life, did you ?

And just in case, you did, how old were you, when you made up your mind to smoke?

And than ask yourself right now; "are the reasons you started to smoke the same reason you smoke now"? Most likely not.

For most people, smoking just starts, without making up your mind to become a smoker, and by keeping up smoking you developed a habit. And as with most habits, they are hard to stop, because they fit into your lifestyle, unless you make up your mind, to change that habit.

The first action to take, is in your mind.

Make up your mind of what you want. If you still defend your smoking habit, you are not ready.
Actually this is a funny moment. People are too worried to make up their mind to stop smoking, because deep down they know, if they do that, they will stop, but maybe they don't really want to, ..... ?

Could Hypnosis help, and why?

Hypnosis works, because it focuses on your subconscious mind, which will help your conscious logical mind to stick to your logical conclusions. If however, your sub-conscious mind is constantly sabotaging your conscious mind, because of a habit formed in the past, your good intentions will have a hard time to stick.

I am not fond of aversions therapy.

Aversion therapy was once the corner stone of Hypnotherapy. It's an old method of making you feel sick in your stomach or give you a bad taste when you smoke, and that becomes the reason for not smoking. It may sound feasible, but it never really worked. However it may still have a part to play in the overall concept of treatment, just not as the only method.

For a therapy concept to be effective, it has to take a number of factors into account.

Just lets remember, that the smoking problem is not just an addiction problem. It is a combination of habits, plus behavioural side effects, which can be as varied as; fear of weight gain - can't relax - can't talk to a partner without sharing a cigarette - doesn't know what else to do - and many other reasons that may prevent you stopping to smoke.

There are 3 ways to get Hypnosis treatment, first in line is the direct consultation, second is a workshop or group session and thirdly is an Anti-Smoking Hypnosis CD.

The CD may be seen as self help, as well as a back up treatment to whatever other method you have been using. The CD, has the added advantage to be relaxing, you have to take some time out to listen to it, and you can use it at any time you feel you need a top up or for reassurance.

Each method works slightly different in the hypnotic messages it supplies. A direct session with a Hypnotist will be best, because it will be tailored to your individual smoking behaviour.

In a hypnosis group session however, to get it to work, one has the generalize as much as possible. Each individuals subconscious mind will take what is appropriate for that individual.

By example, some smoke to relax, others smoke before they start to work to get going. These contradictions obviously can't be addressed with a specific hypnotic message like: "where before you have smoked now you will read a book". It needs to be addressed with something general, like... "and where before you have smoked now you will do without it and feel good about yourself." However, if you work with one patient at a time, you can add all kind of individual related messages into the script.

CD's, work like a group session with generalised messages, with the added benefit of a relaxation session.

Personally, I found Hypnosis most effective, when working with a patient for a 4 - 5 day period. This gives many additional options to deepen the messages and understanding, and to add additional tasks the patient has to do at home in between treatments.

Actually, to know how some of these hypnotic messages work, may help you to accept them even more..

Hypnotherapy Script Examples:

Some general important messages for the subconscious are:

... and no desire to smoke at all ...
... and smoking is totally unnecessary for you ...
... and day be day, you feel less like smoking ..
... ( add a bit of aversion) > and the thought of smoking is very unpleasant and goes against everything you know and hold true.

... and lots of positive messages like :
... and your breathing will improve ... and your sense of smell will improve .. and you breath becomes more pleasant, and as each day goes by you will get better and better.
.. all these little messages and many more, plus specific ones are linked, with what is often called a "transformation - linkage".

For something to get accepted by your subconscious mind, it needs to be plausible to you.

That's where linkage comes in, where the plausible part of the message will be linked to the script part important for the anti-smoking purpose.
Linkage comes is different forms, from soft to strong.
A soft linkage is achieved simply with "and"; a medium linkage with words like; as, when, during, and a strong form with words like; makes, causes forces, requires etc.

.. here is a sample of a strong linkage >>

... and the closing of your eyes, will cause you to go into an even deeper sleep like state.

Now imagine, you start the Hypnosis with a gentle relaxation script, and slowly the transformation linkages become stronger, till you conscious mind is that busy, that it is not interfering with the messages intended for your subconscious mind.

The end result will be that you have no desire to smoke at all,
.......... and by the time you have read all this you will have stopped smoking :-) ... I nearly got you ... :-)


Information supplied by the Editor of Use Nature, Dieter Luske

Having been a Clinical Hypnotist myself, and having helped many patients to stop smoking successfully, I am probably biased if I recommend this type of therapy.

However, in my case, I used Holistic Hypnotherapy in conjunction with Counselling - NLP - Homeopathy, Ear Acupuncture, diet advice and nutritional supplements. It may be a bit over the top, but it worked well, and it was always an individual tailored treatment plan.

Not everyone needs everything, but because most smokers fear to gain weight if they stop smoking, I always addressed that problem at the same time, and I am sure other practitioners do the same.

Self Help is always important!

If you are willing to help yourself you are motivated and are most likely successful to stop smoking. - read a bok or two, understamd what it is that makes you want to smoke, and have something better up your sleeve.

Chaos in Brainland - Self help book by Dieter LuskeChaos in Brainland - BUY NOW - Author Dieter Luske

A Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety Free Zone

The chaos in society is reflected in chaos between the ears, the territory Dieter Luske calls Brainland.

Dieter is a holistic counsellor with decades of experience and has conducted analysis in that most complicated laboratory – the self. You will discover dynamic techniques, different perspectives, and "First Aid Anxiety Response Hacks" to master your mindset and liberate your mind.

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Information & recommendation provided ... by the Editor of Use Nature, Dieter Luske

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Dieter Luske - writer - Australia

useNature Editor - Writer

Dieter Lüske


Chaos in Brainland - Self help book by Dieter Luske


Chaos in Brainland

It happened in the seventies - book by Dieter Luske

It happened in the seventies

Intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.

Dieter Luske
author . writer . editor


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