The Articles are a representation of the Book as Workshop Manual. Questions were asked to stimulate active participation.
Management of your mind can be simple, once you know how to use YOUR MIND EFFECTIVLY.
Mind-management is made up of two words, mind & management.
The combination of mind and management spells awareness and success.
If, for a moment we can believe that 100% MM is possible, then the outcome must be 100% success.
Now look at yourself, and find out how much MM you have already!
To help that process we will look at some of our mis-management habits!
If you worry a lot, would that be good MM? NO!
If you have too much self doubt, would that be good MM? NO!
If you have emotions that are stopping you from doing what you would like to do; - good MM? NO!
What if you regret, blame, judge, feel guilty, and so on -good MM? NO!
Now ask yourself, how well are you managing your mind, and answer yourself in percentage terms. How much?
If you manage your mind 50%, very good - now you know that your success rate would also be 50%. That's how successful you are already!
Success can be split up into many parts, and we all have areas in our life where we are, or were 100% successful. As an example, let's say, someone is 80% successful in business, but only 20% in relationships. Overall the success rate is not that good, and the bad relationships could spoil the success in business.
Now, what can we learn from that?
It helps us to look into one specific area and check what we are doing well, and then check the other areas and see what is missing!
You have to know that if you are capable of being successful in one area in your life, you are also able to be successful in any other area in your life. In other words, we learn to compare our success rate in different areas in our life. We can therefore learn to enhance those areas where we would like to have more success.
Do you want to be successful? If you don't want to be successful, it could simply mean that you have a different definition of what success means!
If you would like to be successful, then ask yourself: "why is it that I am not as successful as I would like to be?" Let's look a little bit closer.
We have looked at the result, now let's look into the parts.
The first word is Mind, let's have a good look at our mind!
Have you got a mind? Does anybody not have a mind?
Have you ever been accused of being "out of your mind," or asked "have you lost your mind" and what about "have you got your mind switched on," or even better, "mind over matter" and finally-"never mind."
What all this is indicating in a silly way is that we actually can do something with our mind.
Whatever state your mind is in now, one thing is for sure, you need to have a mind in order to manage a mind.
Would you like to know how the mind works, I mean the ins and outs, what kind of chemical, hormonal, electrical connection and things like that?
Yes, this could be interesting, but this is definitely not what we are doing here.
Let me explain. Can you drive a car? Yes? Excellent!
Second question: Can you explain or do you know the exact way your car's engine, fuel-injection or whatsoever works? No?
That's not too surprising - there is no need to know all those technical details. The main thing is to know how to get your car from point A to point B, and we all can do that very satisfactorily. And this is the reason we don't have to know how our mind works, the main thing is that we find out how to use it more effectively with more awareness.
Are you interested in driving your mind exactly to the place where you want to go? If you know where to go, that is.
You just drive around, wasting time, petrol and energy. Have you ever had a period in your life where you wasted your energy in running around not knowing where to go and what to do, only kept busy by the task of earning a living? Are you in this state right now? I think it is brave to be aware and to admit what particular state we are in. There is nothing wrong with where we are at the moment, it's where we are tomorrow that counts.
Coming back to driving a car, have you ever had the experience of driving home after a long day at work, and finding yourself in front of your house, without really remembering how you actually got there?
That means, that you were absolutely sure where to go, and your subconscious mind had all the right moves and data. In an instance like that your mind may daydream, but you still will be safe, and will end up where you are supposed to end up!
Once your subconscious mind knows 'what you want' or 'where you want to go', it will get you there!
90% of people don't know what they want. Once you do know what you want, you will believe in you! This is how you can become aware of what to do with your life. Once you have programmed yourself and know what you want, you will reach your goals, because you have managed your mind and your subconscious in such a way that it will support you. All your actions and behaviours will be directed to what you would like to get out of life.
How does that actually work? Once your mind is programmed, your subconscious mind will do all the hard work. You don't think consciously in order to walk across the room or to move all the right kind of muscles. The same applies to driving a car, you do everything automatically. You have actually programmed yourself throughout your life to be able to do all kinds of automatic responses. Simply speaking, everything we are good at works by automatic response. Even in public speaking, you will find that once you have programmed yourself, everything just flows naturally. If you have to think what to say next, you lose the flow of speech.
Mind-management will teach you how to get automatic responses where you need them.
Once you have managed your mind for a program, everything will start to happen, as everything in your subconscious mind will support you. Our behaviour, our way of speech, our belief systems, everything is geared for automatic responses. In the same way that we move forward without thinking which muscles to use, we will walk forward to our goals, without thinking which particular step comes next. We all know of the ability of our subconscious mind to guide us.
Let me give you a few examples (and maybe you know a few yourself). Before I became a "Dad", I hardly ever noticed pregnant ladies. As soon as my wife was pregnant, and my mind was programmed towards pregnancy, I saw pregnant ladies absolutely everywhere. I really wondered where they were all coming from.
Another instance is when you read something in a Magazine, about a certain person. All of a sudden, perhaps even on the same day, you hear his or her name mentioned again, or read more about him or her.
I am sure you recognise these kind of responses in yourself?
That is exactly what will happen if you have your mind programmed for a certain goal. All of a sudden, things start to happen seemingly automatically. You read something helpful, which otherwise you would have overlooked, and that in turn leads to something else.
It's simply the way our awareness works; we see only what we want to see, or what we know already.
By being more focused, you may start to meet new people, who you will then talk to in a different way, and therefore get different responses, and so on, and so on.
If, to the contrary your belief system is geared towards; "I can't achieve my goal," then you are managing your mind negatively and your subconscious mind will block out information which could be helpful to you.
How to actually determine a goal, how to set up the right strategy to program your mind to what ever you want, or how to learn to design and create your life and achieve what you want, will all form part of this workshop / book.
How important is management and are you into management?
The answer is, we are all deeply involved in management. Sadly enough more people are into mis-management than into successful management. We actually are managing every little bit we do. When we wake up in the morning, we usually manage to get out of bed. We actually have to manage that, it doesn't work by itself, that's why some people with mis-management stay in bed.
With other words, if we like to have a successful day then we have to manage that all by ourselves.
If we rely on other people to manage our lives we will be disappointed most of the time. And so it goes on; your partnership, your family, etc., everything needs management, and with good management comes success and happiness.
Look around you, do you recognise people, families, businesses, countries with bad or good management? In big business, everything has to be managed to the smallest detail. If not, what do you think will happen to the business? Yes, you are right, - kaput!
How important is good self-management for you?
We are responsible for our own management,and for what we get out of life.
So, the final question then is, (putting both words together, mind and management).
After all this, you are supposed to jump out of your chair, and scream YES, I NEED IT!
Will it help you to believe in you? DEFINITELY! - Can we be without mind-management? NO!
The result of mind-management will be to manage yourself better than you have ever managed yourself before, by taking control and responsibilty.
Let's look for a few minutes at the flip side of good mind- management.
Let's look at the negative application for mind-management.
If you "sleep in" tomorrow morning in order not to go to work, then you actually have succeeded in managing your mind. It's a pity that you did it in a destructive way, as the outcome will probably be the loss of your job. Interestingly enough, subconsciously that may be what you wanted. Nevertheless, it shows, that you can manage your mind. You just have to use it more constructively and less destructively.
The same principle applies to worry.
Some people believe that they are born worriers. Obviously, nobody is born a worrier. You have to adopt that habit, which is, interestingly enough, a form of negative mind-management.
Think about it for a moment; if you can manage your mind to worry yourself sick, just imagine what powers you will have if you learn to manage your mind in a more productive way, and think yourself healthy!
From worries we can go straight to habits. All habits are a form of mind-management. Have a look at your habits and sort them out to check whether they are constructive or destructive? Chuck out the destructive ones. - How? That's part of what this book is about.
OK, let's go on, with our minds switched on and no limits set, but your own, (which you may want to review after reading this book).
And to finish the mind-management chapter, let me quote a Zen-story, called:
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
Nan-in served tea. He poured until his visitor's cup was full, and then kept on pouring.
The professor watched the cup overflow until he no longer could restrain himself.
"It is overfull. No more will go in!" -
"Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculation.
How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup? "
We only see what we know already, or what we want to see, and we only hear what we want to hear.
Therefore we are only aware of what we want to be aware of.
To widen awareness we can ask ourselves questions and answer those questions truthfully to ourselves.
How well do I manage my mind now?
Why am I not as successful as I would like to be?
Especially in those areas, where I like to be more successful?
Who is in control of my mind and my thoughts?
If you do what you always do, you get what you always get!
If you do not like what you always get, then find out, what it is that you do, that causes you to get what you always get.
Does the fear of making mistakes or fear of failure prevent you from doing what you want to do?
Where in your life have you been reactive?
Look at what has happened, and ask yourself how could I have been proactive? Look at your life now and find out where you can be proactive, and change before you have to change!
Are you right or are you wrong?
Do you have to make something or someone wrong in order to be right?
If you have to be right, will you be able to learn something new?
If you believe you are right, do you believe that you know the truth?
The more right you need to be, the less sure you are of yourself.
Self esteem means to have the ability to be wrong, which is the ability to learn!
How much Self Esteem do you have?
How much do you believe in you?
Excerpt from a workshop & book - published 1993 - titled; "Do you believe in You" - Dieter Luske ©
A Memoir of Love, Colliding Worlds and a House on a Hill
Intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.
From the author of ‘Do You Believe in You’ comes an intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.
At only twenty-one, Dieter started his own thriving business and lived the good life in Hamburg, Germany.
By the age of twenty-four, he knew something was missing: there must be more to life than earning a living, and he wanted to find it in Australia as a quest for all things vital, health, love, creativity, meaning, purpose and independence.
How does life continue if one decides to leave all one has achieved?
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An inspiring read of a life-changing escapade Down Under
Phil Brown - Arts Editor
The Courier-Mail
Dieter Lüske is a writer, lifestyle counsellor, web developer and author who enjoys life and life's journey. He loves working with Giselle, his wife, in their art studio, enchanted organic garden, and dabbles in art and music.
He is the author of 3 books, has published hundreds of holistic lifestyle philosophy articles, and lives by his motto,
"By attempting the impossible - one is meaningfully occupied (D.L.)."
His book "Do you believe in You?" is a self-help book that resulted fro 11 years of consulting and facilitating mind management seminars.
Dieter graduated in 1981 in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Medical Herbalism, Clinical Nutrition, Lifestyle Counselling, Medical Hypnosis and NLP.
In 1999, Dieter founded, a Natural Health and Lifestyle Directory, which still is a significant go-to website for holistic health articles.
Born and educated in Germany, Dieter studied Electrotechnics and Electronics. He graduated with a Master's degree and had his first business at age 21.
In 1974 Dieter and Giselle left Germany on a two-and-a-half-year discovery tour to write a book about Australia.
They lived and travelled throughout Australia in a panel van, took thousands of photos and wrote stories about their travels for German magazines.
Dieter lives and works in the Gold Coast Hinterland with his artist wife, Giselle.
Dieter Luske
author . writer . editor
Personal Growth
Holistic Health
Healthy Recipe Books
Weightloss Books
Coaching / Counselling