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Discussions about the latest scientific, clinical, practical information and developments in treating common problems associated with male health and prostate wellbeing.
I hope to make this as informative and practical as possible and therefore invite natural and medical practitioners, as well as men suffering from any type of Prostatic or suspected prostatic problems, to e-mail your comments, support, concerns or advice...
Because Prostate problems are often referred to as an age related problem, and hormonal changes are part of the cause, it is often called the Male Meno - Pause or Andropause
Starting point for the cause of Prostate related problems:
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Chronic Prostatitis (CP)
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)
Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
and all other associated lower pelvic problems..... such as:
Erectile dysfunction
Low libido
Premature ejaculation
.. and sometimes prostate problems are mis-diagnosed, and you actually have a bladder problem, such as Bladder Cancer.
A cystoscopy will clear the fear!
Unfortunately, anything prostate related is extremely hard to diagnose, and medical treatment may not offering you the answers you are seeking.
Prostatitis which is often treated with Antibiotics is only ever 5 -10% bacterial related, and therefore the treatment often turns out unsuccessful.
Despite that, Antibiotics are sometimes repeated for 6 month or longer, often leading to digestive problems due to elimination of the friendly gut bacteria. Interestingly, bloating and lower abdomen fullness may cause more prostate related problems due to the pressure..
Having mentioned that, even if unsuccessful, it may have given you a differential tool, by suspecting that your problem could be related to some other pelvic problems, which may need different treatment interventions.
Not all urination urgency, discomfort and bladder fullness is necessarily BPH or Chronic Prostatitis ..
differential diagnosis has to include: (from a long list)
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Interstitial Cystitis
Pelvic Myoneuropathy
Prostate Cancer
Bladder Cancer
and others ..
Symptoms for Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) are wide ranging, with some confusions due to possible overlap with other conditions.
Some men report frequent urination and others don't.
Some have sexual dysfunction and erectile difficulties, others don't.
The inflammation may be centered in the bladder. This condition is called Interstitial Cystitis, which features painful, frequent urination, although some experts say that only 15 % of men with IC present with frequency and urgency. Unfortunately, Bladder Cancer has similar symptoms, therefore any traces of blood should be further investigated. As mentioned before; A cystoscopy will clear the fear!
Roughly speaking, when cultures are negative, chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) can be described as persistent relapsing pain or discomfort in any of the following areas:
Between rectum and testicles (perineum)
Tip of the penis (not related to urination)
Below the waist, in your pubic or bladder area
Some of the functional symptoms are:
Pain or burning during urination
Pain or discomfort during or after ejaculation
A sensation of pain in the lower back and upper legs
A sensation of pain in the groin and above the bladder
A sensation of pain or burning high up in the penis (urethra)
A sensation of not emptying the bladder completely after finishing urinating
Lowering of libido (sexual desire)
Other often reported symptoms are:
Fatigue, sometimes to the point of being bedridden
Depression or mental anguish
Discoloured semen (yellowish, from dead white blood cells - a sign of inflammation)
Pain after ejaculation, lasting from hours to days
Impaired memory, find it hard to concentrate
Painful lymph nodes
Catch colds easily
Different prostate problems sometimes have similar symptoms. Just remember, the early stages of prostate cancer may have no symptoms at all, make sure you have a test to rule out cancer. Try to find a holistic thinking Doctor.
Sensation of not emptying your bladder completely after you have finished urinating.
Frequent urination ( intervals of less than 2 hours and / or multiple times during the night).
Interrupted urination (you have to stop and start several times during urination).
Difficulty in postponing urination.
Weak or limited urinary stream.
Pushing and straining required to begin urination.
A burning pain during urination.
Pain in lower back, in the area between the testicles and anus, in the lower belly or upper thighs, or above the pubic area. Pain may be worse during bowel movement.
Pain sitting down.
More pain at night in bed.
Reduced ability to gain and hold erections, weak ejaculation, and dissatisfaction with sexual performance.
Some pain during or after ejaculation.
Pain in the tip of your penis.
Fever and chills.
Loss of appetite.
Depression, because of constant pain
Naturopaths and other Holistic Natural Practitioners believe that the problem (Prostatitis or Interstitial Cystitis) needs to be seen much more holistic as a whole-body disorder, not merely isolated to the lower genito urinary tract.
It is strongly associated with chemical imbalances, stress, circulation, nutrition and lifestyle in general.
"The modern lifestyle of stress; long hours of sitting, driving or TV watching; eating too much, smoking, fast food, high regular intake of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol; and environmental toxicity all contributes to debilitating and degenerative diseases, including prostate enlargement.
The pain or symptoms can vanish for hours or days, then return without logical reason.
Some people experience long remissions, which can last months or years.
All this brings us to the question; "Is there a common cause for all these symptoms"?
Maybe there is ...
Andropause is not a clinical disease, it is a syndrome or a fact of life. It has an influence on your whole being, physical and mentally, and it is a condition everyone should know about, not only men, but women as well.
If one reads the clinical symptoms of Andropause, one can see why it is called the 'Male Menopause'.
Diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass and strength, and decreased bone mass as well.
Other symptoms are, decreased memory, depression, irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue and believe it or not - Hot Flushes.
At the same time, testosterone variant called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and the female-associated hormone oestrogen increases.
DHT stimulates cell growth and, in turn, prostate enlargement.
There is a lot of media attention about men's health, esp. regarding prostate check up's, but nothing is ever mentioned about Andropause, which is probably one of the main underlying causes of prostate problems and men's health over 50.
Despite the heightened effort to bring Prostate Health into every men's awareness, medical treatment for prostate problems has not improved.
The results of tests have also been problematic, false positives have been found with an increase in possible unnecessary operations. I think, no one would complain if the removal of the prostate would cure the problem, and would be as easy as removing your tonsils. Unfortunately, despite technical progress, the removal of a prostate is still linked with enormous problems and therefore not a desirable outcome at all.
Medication and surgery for an enlarged prostate should really be a last resort as there are too many potential dangers and side effects, including impotence and infertility.
As long as prostate cancer is ruled out, (and possible bladder cancer) it is better to investigate the natural options that a holistic treatment can offer.
The 'Positive side-effect' about a Natural Treatment is that it will help boost your overall health of your body as well as helping your prostate.
Prostate Health - Intro and Symptoms
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* Disclaimer - Any general advice given in any article should not be relied upon and should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a qualified medical Doctor.
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