....Prostate Health - Men's Health
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Article: Prostate Health - 3 -

Men's Health - Natural Prostate Treatment

Article by ... the editor of Use Nature, Dieter Luske N.D.-D.C.H.-D.M.H.-D.H

Author of It happened in the seventies

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Natural Prostate Treatment and Support

90 - 95 % of reported prostate problems fall into the category of:

Prostatitis - Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

This term indicates the limited understanding of the causes of this syndrome.

Note: Acute bacterial prostatitis, does not fall into the above category, it is a serious bacterial infection with serious consequences if not treated appropriately (Antibiotics)

Treatment support given within this article is directed toward Chronic Prostate or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. ( for symptoms see article 1 - Prostate Health )

Natural Holistic Treatment Options

Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Diet and proper nutrition is of vital importance for a number of reasons.

Prostate trouble has been linked to be a nutritional syndrome. It seems to be much more common in developed Western countries that emphasize animal-derived foods, such as red meat, dairy products, and eggs, all foods that tend to accumulate environmental toxins. In contrast, fruit- and vegetable-rich diets exert a protective effect.

A more plant derived diet has also an alkalizing effect, which may be preferred, esp. with additional bladder problems.

However, this has to be scrutinized further, it can't be seen as a general truth. It may be more in line with factors of overindulgence in certain food groups, esp alcohol, which is a factor in lowering testosterone, and more specific diet factors as, allergies, hypersensitivity, being overweight, stress and many others. With other words, lets not generalise, prostate problems need to be treated with the individual diet and nutritional circumstances in mind.

Some basic health consideration which need to be addressed regarding prostate Health:

  • Being overweight, having constipation or bad digestion.

  • Sedentary lifestyle -long hours of sitting (circulation and nerve pressure)

  • Lost flexibility - upper legs and pelvic region. ( circulation and muscle pain)

  • High Stress

  • Environmental toxicity

  • Alcohol and caffeine

The added pressure and possible nerve irritation around the prostate from extra weight or extra pressure from a full lower intestine or a full bladder can trigger prostate problems or prevent a problem from getting better. Extra pressure also may reduce circulation, another important factor in prostate health.

The main advice is to be on a good diet, lose weight, improve digestion, stimulate circulation, do yoga stretches and exercise, esp walking.

For a basic health and diet outline - click > Health Foundation

Specific supportive foods:

Some specific foods which have received attention are Tomatoes.

Men who consume tomatoes, tomato-based foods, and possibly watermelons, and pink grapefruit are reportedly less likely to get prostate cancer.

These foods contain lycopene, an antioxidant. Lycopene is also available as a nutritional supplement, it has been demonstrated to slow or even halt the growth of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

However, I always like the idea to include potential health giving substances into a diet.

Before you go out and by a 6 pack of Tomato sauce, please consider the quality of the tomatoes and other ingredients included. Make sure you buy an Organic Tomato sauce with nothing artificial added.

I have had some reports from men, who have experienced problems, probably related to the high tomato intake.

Therefore make sure you are not sensitive or allergic to Tomatoes or the Nightshade Family and it may be even a salicilate acid hypersensitivity.

Yes, diet, nutrition and health is much more complex and complicated than many would expect. - Diet is always a highly individual requirement.

Unfortunately some medical Doctors have only a limited knowledge of diet, allergy or hypersensitivity related problems.

If you require a Doctor, always try to find a natural holistic thinking medical practitioner.

More on Diet and related Trace elements:

Often, specific nutrients play a protective role. Traditionally, men in European countries have always eaten Pumpkin seeds, which are a good source of Zinc, needed to enhance prostate health. By altering steroid hormone metabolism, zinc supplementation may reduce prostate enlargement.

Interestingly, Zinc absorption often declines with age, while prostate problems increase with age... that's a good match. Deficiencies commonly occur with malnutrition or malabsorbtion.

Other good sources of Zinc are:

Alfalfa, which you can add to all meals as sprouts and Stinging Nettle, which is often used as a tea, and these days you will find it in many Prostate supplement formulas.

Oysters are one of the highest source of Zinc. Wheat germ and bran and minced meat are good sources too, which shows once again that one can't generalize that a western type diet is all doom and gloom :-) .

Selenium is another often-deficient trace nutrient that is essential for prostate health. Increasing selenium intake, whether through supplements or selenium-rich foods may help as well.

Selenium-rich foods include wheat germ, tuna, herring and other seafood and shellfish, beef liver and kidney, eggs, sunflower and sesame seeds, cashews, Brazil nuts, mushrooms, garlic, onions, and kelp.

Soy products

There seems to be some controversy about soy products. Some researchers recommend it, others feel that if un-fermented, soy products may cause problems.

Increasing Soy Intake:

It generally seems to be understood, that the increasing estrogen-to-testosterone ratio brought on by aging is one of the factors that adversely affects the size of the prostate gland. 

It has been suggested, that soy in your daily diet will help decrease oestrogen levels and restore proper estrogen-to-testosterone ratio.

The most favourable source are the "fermented organic non-modified soy products", such as >> miso and tempeh.

Diet Items you should avoid

First of all, it should be noted once again, that prostate sufferers are all different, what helps one may not help another.

If you have symptoms, simply try something for a couple of weeks and notice any changes.

Alcohol should be avoided totally, or reduced, depending on symptoms. Alcohol depletes both zinc and vitamin B6 (which is necessary for zinc absorption).

Coffee, avoidance has helped a lot of men, others have had no difference in their symptoms. - New studies even seem to suggest 3 cups of coffee may be a preventative approach to for Prostate Cancer, but not necessarily to Benign Prostate problems.

Bladder problems may be aggravated by coffee.

Stay away from sugar, table salt, refined and processed foods, artificial colours, preservatives and saturated fats.

Refer to our diet outline >> Zone Type Diet

The main factors that lower Testosterone, and therefore may cause prostate related problems are:

Alcohol - Obesity - type 2 Diabetes - High Stress - Environmental Toxins - (includes processed food)

Regular exercise will reduce the risk of prostate gland enlargement. - More on exercise in a different article ...

General nutritional and herbal supplements for supporting prostate health are:

Saw Palmetto, Red Clover, Nettle root, Turmeric, Vitamin A, Vitamin E , Zinc, Lycopene, Quercetin, Magnesium, Soy isoflavones, Immune Enhancing Probiotics, Chinese or Ayurveda Prostate Formulas.

Even Doctors often recommend 'over the shelf natural prostate formulas', they seem to help more than anything else.

For all other information, please refer to our...

Prostate Health Support Menu:

  1. Prostate Health - Intro and Symptoms

  2. Holistic Prostate Health - A holistic natural treatment

  3. Natural Prostate Support Treatment

  4. Prostate Health Exercise

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Article supplied by the editor of Use Nature - Dieter Luske

* Disclaimer - Any general advice given in any article should not be relied upon and should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a qualified medical Doctor.


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