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Victim Principle Counselling

Belief Systems and Affirmation

Lifestyle Online Magazine - Holistic Health Information

Article: Victim Principle Counselling Summary


Article extracted from a workshop & book called:

DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOU - by Dieter LuskeĀ© - Gold Coast

... all following articles, are written as workshop manuscript
... questions were asked to stimulate active participation.

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  1. What kind of facts are you confronted with?
    What can you change?
    Who is responsible for your changes and your actions?

  2. List ten of your own victim positions !
    List ten creative ways to get out of your victim position!

  3. Every day, in all kinds of situations, ask yourself: "do I want to be a victim?"
    If NO, CHANGE!

  4. We can only change if we are aware of our belief systems, standards and values.
    Write down your belief systems, standards and values!

  5. Who or what do you blame, judge, label?
    From today, stop blaming, etc. STATE THE FACTS!

  6. Replace "I can't," with "I will not," or look for a creative solution!
    Replace "I try," with "I will" or "I do."

  7. Rule of change-be willing to change! If whatever you do is not working, DO SOMETHING ELSE!

  8. Make corrections rather than repeating mistakes!
    List some of your most important learning experiences and recognise that without those so called 'mistakes' you wouldn't be the terrific person you are today!

  9. Write down 5-10 default responses, and recognise that it is not enough to tell yourself: "I could change if I wanted to." That would be a typically addictive response!
    To change, you actually have to CHANGE!

  10. How to change a default response?
    Refuse to do what you have always done!

  11. When is the time to change? NOW !

  12. Be aware of your language! For one week at least, use only positive statements!
    Express and think what you really want, not what you don't want!

  13. If your message is not coming accross, CHANGE IT!

  14. Be aware of your awareness. Change your perception to become aware. Look at yourself as another person! Ask questions to confront yourself!

  15. Do you react to facts, or to what you think are the facts?
    Write down some of your assumptions and opinions, then come up with the facts!

  16. Is your belief system working for you or against you?
    Write down five limiting beliefs, and five supportive beliefs!

  17. Check where your belives are coming from.


  19. List your negative affirmations (negative beliefs/ worries). Then turn your negative affirmations into positive ones!
    This is programming your subconscious mind for positivity!

  20. Make up 10 positive affirmations!

  21. Write a list of what you appreciate about yourselfl STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN! Pat yourself on the shoulder!

  22. Close your eyes, and see pictures of people you love! Have you included yourself?

  23. How do you treat somebody you don't like? Badly? That's how you treat yourself, if you don't love yourself! Please change, there is only one of you!

  24. Change from win/lose to win/win, in yourself and towards others.
    There is no need to argue, there is no right and wrong.
    Find a resolution not a compromise, a compromise is a lose / lose situation.!

  25. If you are willing to change, change now and new things will happen. To change means to take a risk, to take a step into the darkness. You don't know what will be around the corner. The only way to find out is to go there. It may feel safer to stay tight, but it means you are stuck.
    Allowing yourself to make mistakes, means allowing yourself to learn and expand.

... to be continued ...

Article Number 16 - Chapter Three > Emotions - Avoiding Emotional Traps


Article provided by the Editor - Dieter L. Gold Coast

Excerpt from a workshop & book - published 1993 - titled; "Do you believe in You" www.usenature.com - Dieter Luske ©

Next: Article 16 - click > EMOTIONS - Emotional Traps and Responses

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