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Article: Affirmation


Article extracted from a workshop & book called:

DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOU - by Dieter Luske© - Gold Coast

Author of It happened in the seventies

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Chaos in Brainland - Self help book by Dieter Luske

Chaos in Brainland - Overcome Anxiety - Author Dieter Luske

A Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety Free Zone

The chaos in society is reflected in chaos between the ears, the territory Dieter Luske calls Brainland.

Dieter is a holistic counsellor with decades of experience and has conducted analysis in that most complicated laboratory – the self. - He has pooled his accumulated knowledge to turn chaos into harmony, favouring a mind, body and spirit approach to mediate mental distress and moderate between the conscious and subconscious mind.

You will discover dynamic techniques, different perspectives, and "First Aid Anxiety Response Hacks" to master your mindset and liberate your mind.
As Dieter says … "helping maximize people's happiness potential is what it's all about.”
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ARTICLE NUMBER - 14 - Affirmation - Counselling

Affirmations are positive messages which, if repeated over and over, will have a lasting positive affect on your mind set.

They can be used for all types of change that you may want to achieve, be it for:

  • self-esteem,

  • to love yourself

  • for your health

  • success

  • skills you would like to achieve

  • and many others

Affirmations work in the same way as a belief system does, the only real difference is that you choose with awareness what it is that you want. You then repeat that message over and over.

Remember please, an affirmation definitely works, because the mind and nervous system can't differentiate between a real or an imagined experience.

Affirmations, like belief-systems are used most of the time unintentional, and unfortunately to your detriment, by repeating worries or negative thought patterns over and over.

How often do you repeat a thought over a period of one day or even a week? Are you actually aware that, (more than likely), constantly repeated thoughts are worries and have a negative message?

Do you worry?
How often do you repeat thought messages such as: "I can't do it; I never will get enough money; that makes me sick; I don't believe it;" the list goes on and on.

Do you use affirmations? Positive or negative ones?
As with your belief system, you have to become aware of your negative thought patterns (affirmations) before you can change them. Your next exercise will be to become aware of your negative, (especially repetitive) thought patterns and turn them around into a positive affirmations!

Affirmation have to be stated as a positive statement, I mean a statement made without using any negation, this is absolutely vital.

EXAMPLE: Negative thought - I am too frightened to ask for a pay rise.
WRONG affirmation - I am not frightened!
CORRECT positive affirmation - I AM BRAVE!

Create NOW five positive affirmations out of five of your negative thought patterns. Write them down in order of importance, then place the most important affirmation on the top of the list.

1) I love and accept myself NOW!

The best way to use affirmations is to say them out loud in front of a mirror. Use feelings, say them with meaning and use plenty of repetition. Use phrases such as "day by day, I am getting better and better,' and always use the present tense, such as "I am creative now," and avoid using "I will be creative," as this could mean in twenty years time.

Set some time aside, especially in the morning, and say each of your affirmations twenty times, and the "I love and accept myself' affirmation, a hundred times. If you drive to work, say them out loud in your car, and whenever you have a spare moment, concentrate on your affirmations. The more often you say them, the better they will work.

I can guarantee that affirmations work. Again, it's up to you! By now you should have a swinging good time, with the pendulum swinging to the creator side and you becoming your own creator of your own reality.

(Question from article number 4 - Victim Principle )

Did you hang up many pictures, and have you included a picture of yourself, if you haven't, why not?
Because you don't love yourself?
By the way, how do you treat somebody you don't like or love? Whatever your answer, that will be the way you treat yourself. If you don't like or love yourself, you treat yourself accordingly.

And ... If you don't love yourself, how can you expect anybody else to love you?
Please change, you know now how to.

Remember, there is only one of you, accept and love that one-YOU!


Let's finalise this chapter.

This may be a good time to reflect on where we started from. I asked you to write down an appreciation list. I hope you have done that little task, now I want you to write a new one.

But before you do that, sit back, relax and picture three people in your life, who you know love you. They could be your parents, partner or lover, anybody, as long as you know, that they love you. Or (instead of love), highly appreciate you, as in the case of a business partner, a boss, a team member etc.

Now, starting with the first person ..... float out of your body, and into this person's body, and see for yourself how that person is seeing and experiencing you.

What makes you appealing to that person, how does that person describe you - your looks, your humour, your intelligence, your passions, your strength and weaknesses, your behaviour?

Recognise qualities which were previously unknown or maybe viewed as faults by you.

'Viewing yourself through the eyes of that special person, their thoughts, perceptions and memories of someone who loves you - find yourself to be somebody to love-someone who is appreciated for the simple fact of being yourself.

If you heard everything there was to hear about you, float back into yourself, remembering everything, taking everything worth remembering with you. This knowledge is yours now and will have enriched your appreciation and love about yourself more than ever before.

Over the next few days, repeat that exercise with those other people and enrich your love and appreciation within you even more.

Having done that, now is the time to sit down and write out your second appreciation list and I feel that the second one will be much longer.

Appreciation of the self means a high self-esteem.
Having a high self-esteem means that you can allow yourself to be wrong.

You don't have to prove yourself right any more and therefore you can allow yourself to learn, making mistakes and corrections.

That is not the only reason. Having high self-esteem will enrich your life, as you now feel better about yourself in all your normal daily activities.

Here are some more tips for your self-esteem.

  1. Stop putting yourself down. Prop yourself up!
  2. Display a picture of yourself in your house, flat etc!
  3. Pat yourself on the shoulder!
  4. Speak up for yourself. Express your thoughts, feelings. Ask for what you want.
  5. Tell other people that you like and appreciate them. Acknowledge other people and what they do!
  6. Remember; if you do what you always do, you get what you always get.
    Do what you like to get, more frequently!
  7. What is the fact? Stop blaming, labeling, judging, criticising and state the fact instead.
    That's how you respect people and therefore people will respect you.
    Also, not judging etc., yourself means you will not think that people judge you!
  8. Do write your appreciation list!
  9. Do your AFFIRMATIONS!

In this exercise you are allowed to label yourself, just for the reason of proving a point to yourself. With labeling yourself, I mean things like:

"I am a shy person." (Do that now) - O. K-done.
Explanation and Example to: 'I am shy."

A label like this, simply means something you believe about yourself, and one way to change that is with a positive affirmation.
"I am bold," or (simply), 'I love myself."

The second way is to have a closer look at what you actually said. "I am shy," does not actually mean that you are shy 'all the time', as you are probably not shy when you are with people you love or like.

Being shy means, that you have acted shyly in certain situations in your past.

Having acted shyly in the past does not mean you have to act shy in the future.
You can't change the past, but you certainly can do something in the present so you ....


You may have had certain reasons for acting shy in the past. Right now, as you read this book ( article), you are gaining more knowledge, creating new and different resources for yourself, and therefore you are growing by the minute. You were a different person in the past, therefore there may no longer be the need for you to react shy in situations where you once did.

Determine right now how you would like to react in future situations. Remember you are a different person now, with more resources, and not a victim. You also know, that if a situation becomes a little bit uncomfortable, you are likely to learn a great deal more than by just sitting tightly in your box. Think about it, being shy is simply a belief you had about yourself.

Will your belief of being shy be helpful and supportive to you in the future? If not, remember your new resources. Go out, live on the edge a little bit, help yourself with affirmations, have courage and remember that the situation has changed. You are now a totally different person from that person you were when you first acted shy! Change that shy belief into a belief which will support you in the future.

To finalise this last train of thought, now have a look at the label you gave yourself at the beginning of this paragraph, and go through the same thought processes we have just followed with the 'being shy' label.

That's it, we have now arrived at the creative side of our victim-principle diagram.

There is not much to write about this side, it is simply creative... and needs to be created.


It could be said that part of our purpose in life is to use our creative ability.

Not being creative means you are just living a pre-conceived conditioned life - rather than you actually creating your own life and lifestyle.

So, let me just list some of the human qualities you acquire with being positive and creative.

Clarity - fun - love - reward - help - security - support - good health - action - generosity - involvement - inspiration - power - prosperity - freedom - the true you - spirit - commitment --discipline - opened up - learning - 0.k. to be wrong - bravery - being informed - purpose - excitement - recognition - awareness - creativity - -etc.

When do we change? We always change now, - this instant!

If you are poor today, and you don't change anything today; you can be sure, you will be poor tomorrow.


if you are ready and willing to change, then change now, and new things will happen.

To change means to take a step into the darkness. You will not know what is around the next corner, but the only way to find out is to go there. It may feel safer to stay tight, but it means you are stuck, a victim!

You can look for other people to change, to make a difference in the world, or you can do it yourself.!

Guess what the victim position will be!


Article provided by the Editor - Dieter L. Gold Coast

Excerpt from a workshop & book - published 1993 - titled; "Do you believe in You" - Dieter Luske ©

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