Responsibility can be a heavy burden, and most of us could be excused shying away from taking on more responsibility than we have already.
But wait a moment, shouldn't it be a given that it is You, who is responsible for your own health?
Have we surrendered responsibility for our own health and rely on the "Medical System" and the Government to take on that responsibility?
Certainly, there are areas in our society where the government or the medical system needs to take responsibility to properly take care of us, after all that's supposedly what they are there for, and that is certainly what we expect, especially in areas such as:
A clean environment, clean air, water, sanitation, pollution control, etc.
Clean and health giving food, food and drug safety,
Health education, and also advertising and marketing.
Urban planning, occupational health, measures against poverty, housing .. and many others.
How much responsibility have patients given away to the Medical System?
The medical system is the number "ONE" disease fighter in our society, and for that it is held in great esteem, and rightly so!
Each time you visit your local GP, you more than likely hand over responsibility for your health to your Doctor.
If you have a disease, the Doctor will most likely find an appropriate treatment. Lets hope it is not too serious, and you only need a prescription to keep you going.
NOTE: We always recommend to see a Medical General Practitoiner for possible emerging health issues.
Has the Doctor done anything to promote your Health? ...
Probably not, the Doctor is merely providing "Disease Management".
Have you surrendered your responsibility for your own health?
... yes, you may have ... because the
Doctor is managing your disease, not your Health, and not as the World Health Organisation's Constitution states;
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and NOT merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Become aware that your GP may not be able to educate and actively support your quest to become and stay healthy.
Become active, aspire a healthy lifestyle, educate yourself, become responsible or visit a Naturopath.
Consult a qualified, accredited Naturopath/Natural Therapist or a Holistic Health Care Practitione for Active Prevention.
A Naturopath, besides addressing your present health problems, will steer you towards better Health, by actively involving you in lifestyle changes, such as individualise nutrition and diet, exercise, sleep education, mind matters, attitudes and motivation improvements.
A Naturopath may also recommend group activities, such as groups or classes for; walking, exercise, weight loss, relaxation, mediation, yoga, breathing and more ...
Naturopaths by treating holistically, are taking all aspects of a patient into account, and are able to eliminate destructive, physical and mental lifestyle behaviours, and motivating a patient to actively work on their own health.
The solution for our compromised and ailing disease management system is to address the real causes of disease and prevent them from occurring, by prioritising Active Prevention.
Prevention by encouraging personalized health promotion within the primary care system.
A reimbursement and regulatory system that priorities and encourages health promotion and prevention.
Encouraging public health by education and stricter regulation, preventing misinformation, misleading marketing and advertising.
Present attacks on Complementary Health have to be stopped, and its positive Active Preventative Support for health recognized and regulated by an independent Complementary Health Advisory and Research Body.
Implementation and integration of Natural Therapies / (CAM) within the conventional health system.
Complementary Health Care Providers are specialists in supporting and delivering complete physical, mental and social well-being.
Complementary Health Care is a necessary addition to the existing system, which is lacking in active prevention and individual health support.
.... to make this all work, we need a Co-Regulation Natural Health Care Model ... for the advancements and integration of Holistic Natural Medicine into the Australian Conventional Health Care System.... read here: Co-Regulation
* Related Treatment Modality : Naturopathy
* Disclaimer - Any general advice given in any article should not be relied upon and should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a qualified medical Doctor.
A Memoir of Love, Colliding Worlds and a House on a Hill
Intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.
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