Prevention is better than cure ...
... and Active Prevention is the Future of Sustainable Health Care
Active Prevention means a person has to perform a lifestyle changing action, by either including or excluding lifestyle habits.
Active Prevention means getting interested into your own health, and taking back responsibility for your own health.
ACTIVE Prevention focuses on actual activities to improve health and wellbeing.
Active Prevention is Holistic, working on Body - Mind and Spirit to enhance a HealtyhLifestyle.
Active Prevention treatment may include; Eating Habits, nutrition, diet, restrictions - exercise, stretching, muscle building, fitness - mindwork, relaxation, meditation, coaching, nlp - spiritual, reiki, meditation, visualisation, healing.
Activation of a Patient is one of the the key differences between the Natural and Medical Systems.
The medical system keeps patients mostly passive, prescribing medication or intervention.
What is Passive Prevention?
Active Prevention Article Column: |
Free Weight Loss Guide - Holistic Weight Loss Support ProgramTo lose weight is one of the most quick and beneficial method to Actively Prevent Lifestyle Diseases |
Preventative DNA Check Ups - Health App's hardly can be called Future of Medicine anymore ... |
Who is ultimately responsible for your health? - "Yes, that would be you ... yes .. you". |
Active Prevention for Acne - What does Active Prevention mean in the context of Acne? |
Toxic Accumulation - Stop eating refined and processed food |
Health Foundation - Active Prevention foundation... Physical, Mental and Spiritual aspects in relation to your Health. |
Optimal Nutrition - the raw materials which are required for your health. |
Weight & Diabetes Type 2 - Prevention |
Anti Ageing Concepts |
Alternative therapies potentially dangerous? |
Naturopathic philosophy |
Art Therapy - Art for Active Prevention |
Why would you visit a Naturopath? - "Why would anyone visit a Naturopath"?; biased skeptics against natural therapies would ask. |
Naturopathic Advantages - Naturopathy is a "Non-Invasive and Drug Free", treatment and prevention support system. |
How to stay Healthy? - Staying healthy means to focus on two main directions: 1.) Trying to dodge the bullets, or with other words don't get sick. 2.) Actively doing something (prevention) to be healthier and therefore let the bullets bounce off. |
Anti Smoking Policies are a well documented success, but many more similar polices are needed.
Active Prevention Polices must not be confused with the concept of a "Nanny State".
Prevention Policies are to support Health by regulating fraudulent or misleading information.
GMO Labeling would be a good example, as it is a good policy to provide correct information for the consumer to make their preferred food choice.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Detoxification - it's more fun to work on your health than on your sickness.
Art Creativity and Healing - We are creative beings, we need creativity, it’s essential.
How to stay Healthy - Part 1 ... dodge the bullets !
Would anyone call it a "Conspiracy" or is it just plain marketing strategy, that medical research hasn't found a cure for Cancer, Arthritis or any chronic disease yet...?
An intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.
A Memoir of Love, Colliding Worlds and a House on a Hill
An inspiring read of a life-changing escapade Down Under - Phil Brown - Arts Editor
Author of 4 books, hundreds of holistic lifestyle philosophy articles