... Natural Holistic Healthy Lifestyle
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What is a Natural Holistic Healthy Lifestyle?

Lifestyle, such an elusive term, could mean anything really.

Article by: Dieter L. Editor of useNature

More reading ... Holistic Health News

Natural Holistic Healthy Lifestyle Choices ...

Lifestyle in this context is defined by a personal preference or interest in the following:

  • Natural, Holistic Health and Prevention, for body, mind, spirit and environment.

  • The Body aspect represents an attitude of caring and being responsible for your own action, as well as taking care of your physical and mental being.
    Physical exercise, good sleep, good nutrition are just some of these aspects, and are also classed as Active Prevention.

  • The Mind aspect represents an attitude of peacefulness, positive outlook, and being "For" something, rather than "Against" something.

  • The Spiritual aspect represents a "belief", that there is more to life than just the physical part.

  • The Green and sustainable living aspect, includes a love of nature, organic gardening, farming, renewable energy, peaceful and sustainable politics, and lifestyle- tree change options.

  • And all creative pursuits, like Art and Music, and all other positive endeavours, creatively nourishing the mind, body and spirit.

That pretty much covers our Lifestyle topics, and therefore our articles and recommendation for articles, magazines and the like.

Personally, I like the idea or should I call it the "Philosophy of a Lifestyle".

A lifestyle can define you as an individual, a distinct lifestyle choice will make you focus on what is important for you and will make your life possibly more meaningful. It may help you taking charge of your life. It may even help you of living your life in financial freedom, contrary to popular thinking, it may be easier to have enough capital to live your preferred lifestyle, than it is chasing the dollar because you are trying to ... "Keeping up with the Joneses".

I hope you will find your special interest reading material within our many pages and topics of online information.

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Anyhow .... the most important thing.... Enjoy Reading... and stay healthy , Cheers Dieter L.

NOTE: Some Skeptics seem to be overly concerned with what they call "pseudo science", by attaching that term to most natural therapy modalities.

  • First of all, in order to be a "pseudo science" a natural modality "recognised spokesperson" would need to pretend their modality to be science.
    As far as I am aware, no one of "authority" has claimed anything as such.

  • Secondly, any natural therapy which is claimed to be "science based", certainly is verifiable science based.

  • Generally, It has to be recognised that more harm is done by the "over prescription" of prescription drugs, as well as over the counter medical drugs, than by "over prescriptions" of vitamins or a good diet.

  • Unfortunately, some skeptics are aggressively focused against anything to do with "Natural Therapies". I am pretty skeptical myself, and I gladly would support the Skeptics if they would concentrate their efforts on specifics and fraudulant claims, and show the scientific evidence for their skepticism.
    But, to generalize and misrepresent against millions of people, who use natural type of medicines or live a healthy natural holistic lifestyle, one has to ask; "what is their motivation", what is the threat?

  • Naturopathy or Natural Therapy is not against the medical system, no one wants to replace the medical system, the opposite holds true; Naturopathy wants to be complementary to Medicine and prevent sickness, and support health.

  • Naturopaths certainly are not against science either, to the contrary, they embrace science, and they study science. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of scientific papers validating the benefit of; vitamins, minerals, amino acids, pro-biotic's, and obviously herbal remedies, of which many have been used by the pharmaceutical industry. [1]
    [1] PubMed Central® (PMC) - Evidence Based Complement Alternat Med - Vols. 1 to 2016; 2004 to 2016

Holistic also means to understand that Science is often "black or white", whereas life is in "Colour".

And .. as a last note; surely anyone understands, that in various states of stress or sickness, the human system has much higher needs of specific nutrients, and that this is a field of "preventative holistic medicine" where Naturopaths specialise on.

I am sure the present Health System can be improved with more emphasis on "Active Prevention" by means of Naturopathic lifestyle changes.

Article by:

Dieter L. Editor of useNature

more reading ...

Naturopathy & Scientific Evidence - Naturopaths aim to restore optimal health by natural means, free of side-effects, free of drugs and their side effects and free of harm of any kind.
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general use and for personal interest only. It should not be used or understood as suggestion or medical advice.

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