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Facts & Information on Traditional Medicine & Treatment Modalities

Article by: Dieter L. Editor of useNature

*Naturopathy is Active Preventative Natural Holistc Health Care

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What is Naturopathy?

Although the term "Traditional Naturopathy" originated in the late 19th Century, this Natural Healing Art and Traditional Medicine Modality can be traced back through Germany into Greece, to Hippocrates himself, and even beyond.

In Germany the name for a Naturopath is Heilpraktiker - meaning > a practitioner for healing, or Healing Practitioner, or Health Practitioner.

Naturopaths understand that healing will occur naturally in the human body if it is given what it truly needs; proper diet, pure water, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, and rest.

Emphasis has not been on finding a disease and killing it, but rather on supporting the body's ability in establishing its own state of good health.

Naturopaths recognize that allopathic health care is at times necessary, but they also understand that many accepted allopathic treatments result in side-effects and are ineffective in promoting health.

The allopathic approach tends to look at the symptom and the disease as one and the same, so that when the symptom has been eliminated, it is presumed that the disease is cured.

The naturopath, however, sees a symptom as nothing more than a signal that something is wrong.

According to naturopathic belief, when a symptom alone is eliminated, it is most likely being suppressed, and unless the original cause has also been eliminated, the symptom may return later in a chronic form.

In teaching clients how to live a healthy, holistic lifestyle, a naturopaths follows the principle of : "Do no harm"

Naturopaths have to undergo extensive training and have to be members of a recognised Natural Medicine Associations.

For more ... please read the Article : What is Naturopathy

Naturopaths are often called "Holistic Practitioners", because they believe that a patient has to be seen and treated as a whole being and not just as separate parts which may present certain symptoms. By example, one can not separate the skin, in case of a skin disease, from the rest of the body. The skin is not the cause of the skin disease, and a local treatment application will hardly ever achieve a cure, it will only suppress the symptom deeper into the body.

Holistic simply refers to the concept of seeing the physical - mental and spiritual body as one. The name Holistic means whole. Most categories within the Natural Therapy field have an underlying philosophy of treating holistically, meaning treating the whole person, not just a part of it. This is contrary to the medical system which treats symptoms and the individual parts of a whole being in isolation.

Naturopaths are very concerned about the ever increasing number of people suffering from food hypersensitiveness, as well as the increasing number of people suffering fro Lifestyle Diseases, despite the advances in medical science.

Naturopaths attribute this rise to lifestyle problems, such as food, water and air contamination, as well as the side effects from maintenance drug therapy, drug overuse and resulting in drug or antibiotic resistance, which has become a worldwide concern.

Antibiotic resistance needs to be recognised as man made problem instigated by misinterpreting science.

Some Skeptics seem to be overly concerned with what they call "pseudo science", by attacking natural therapy modalities.
It has to be recognised that more harm is done by the over prescription of medical drugs than by over prescription of vitamins or a good diet.

Naturopaths certainly are not against science, to the contrary, particular as more and more natural advice and treatment has been now scientifically proven. No one today would dispute that diet is an important factor of health, or that smoking or alcohol abuse is harmful. Many natural substances haven been scientifically accepted. Many drugs have been developed from herbs, but have been "synthesised", not necessary to work better, but to be able to patented.

Science is often "black or white", whereas life is in "Colour".

Editor's Note: I always welcome if skeptics find evidence of fraudulent practice or products, but individual cases must not be used to generalise and condem Naturopahty as a whole..

I am sure the present Health System can be improved with more emphasis on "Active Prevention".


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*Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general use and for personal interest only. It should not be used or understood as suggestion or medical advice.

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